In addition to investment books and seminars, Frank Newman has developed a number of creative products for which international publication rights are sought.
A series of modern day fables about the Normal family from Normalsville. Written primarily for young to young adult
readers, the Normalsville stories are themes that everyone will enjoy.
Visit Normalsville and meet Norman Normal and his family.

A fast moving numbers game designed to be played by an individual or a group. With Zenith players improve their numbers skills: they learn to add, subtract, multiple and divide faster than they ever have before. Roll the Zenith dice and match the result with the Zenith score sheet. A powerful numbers game that rapidly advances number skills. Click
here for more about this game.

Wild Cards
A card game for one or more players. Three games in one: Wild Sense - a fascinating game of strategy; Wild Mania - a fast, exciting game that needs concentration and quick wits; and Wild Safari - a wild game designed for one player. Ages 7 and above. Click below for more about this

For information regarding any of these creative products contact
Frank Newman.