The Hall of Fame honours New Zealand's best INVESTMENT GAME investors. To register your high scores click the Personal Reports feature at the end of the game, and tick the box "Publish my high scores on Investment online". Not only will you receive  detailed investment report from Frank Newman, If your score registers as one of the top scores achieved it will appear in the Hall of Fame listing below. NOTE: Solo games and games that have changed the default assumptions will not appear in the Hall of Fame.

Tips on how to improve your investment skill and score... click here >>>


1= 160 Aleisha 26/05/11
1= 160 Warren 26/05/11
1= 160 Renee 26/05/11
1= 160 Robbie Guarrera 01/04/10
1= 160 Tina Yip 01/04/10
6 159 CJ 28/11/10
7 155 George 17/01/10
8= 147 Peter White 12/02/10
8= 147 Helen 23/01/10
10 143 Zachie 30/01/11
11 141 Tom 13/09/11
12= 140 Jonathan 17/01/10
12= 140 Nigel 29/03/11
14 139 Tim Saunders 04/04/10
15 136 Yvette 29/01/11
16 132 Willie 18/02/11
17= 129 Simon 20/02/10
17= 129 Matthew 16/09/11
19= 127 Money Beast 16/01/10
19= 127 Rosie Prue 25/02/10
21= 126 Greg 20/01/10
21= 126 Francis 13/02/10
23 123 Nic 20/01/10
24 122 Wayne 29/09/11
25 121 Breyton 30/01/11

* Shows highest IIQ achieved by a player.

1 $1,044,151,672 Aleisha 29/05/11
2 $954,059,746 Robbie Guarrera 29/08/10
3 $352,262,297 Warren 29/05/11
4 $287,397,085 Tina Yip 01/08/10
5 $50,213,007 Renee 29/05/11
6 $29,844,362

Tim Saunders

7 $19,984,991 John 12/04/11
8 $17,906,730 Krystal 12/04/11
9 $11,099,012 Dave 14/01/10
10 $10,098,485 Matthew 05/06/11
11 $9,094,069 Nigel 29/03/11
12 $8,878,511 Samuel 06/04/10
13 $7,201,505 CJ 30/01/11
14 $7,148,830 Breyton 30/01/11
15 $6,808,624 Jonathan 17/01/10
16 $6,804,506 ka$h money 26/04/11
17 $6,509,831 George 17/01/10
18 $5,969,785 Jamie 17/10/10
19 $5,350,180 Peter White 07/02/10
20 $5,197,401 Zachie 30/01/11
21 $5,040,993 CB 17/08/10
22 $4,210,490 Duke 06/11/10
23 $3,729,132 Oreo 13/12/09
24 $3,631,775 Helen 23/01/10
25 $2,918,490 Suzie 13/12/09

* Players highest score shown only.

Scores greater than $50 million in 
a 120 minute game.
Robbie Guarrera
Tina Yip
Those who achieve an IIQ score of 
160 in three successive games.
Robbie Guarrera
Tina Yip
Those who achieve an IIQ score of 
150 or greater.
1 506% Robbie Guarrera 27/09/10
2 502% Tina Yip 27/09/10
3 484% Bhavisha 01/07/10
4 469% Rosie Prue 13/02/10
5 416% Ben 01/07/10
6 411% Sai 26/12/09
7 405% Matthew 01/08/10
8 375% Ben 01/07/10
9 358% Tihomir 01/07/10
10 334% Aiden 26/12/09
11 331% Peter White 17/01/10
12 309% Timothy 01/08/10
13 295% Laura Harrington 06/02/10
14 292% Aleisha 29/03/11
15 289% Mum 23/12/09
16 287% Julie-Anne 19/12/09
17 286% Corey 01/07/10
18 246% Nigel 29/03/11
19 238% Helen 26/04/11
20 227% Ka$h Money 26/04/11
21 217% Michael 01/07/10
22 216% Willie 31/01/11
23 212% Oreo 13/12/09
24 209% Warren 27/04/11
25 208% Samuel 04/04/10

* Shows a players highest % return, including capital gains and dividend income.

1 166% CJ 28/11/10
2 138% Robbie Guarrera 28/08/10
3 130% Tina Yip 28/08/10
4 96% Rosie Prue 07/02/10
5 92% Yvette 29/01/11
6 90% Renee 05/06/11
7= 83% Joel 01/01/10
7= 83% Ben 01/07/10
9 78% Peter White 31/01/10
10 73% G 18/01/10
11 72% Nigel 12/03/11
12 71% Evgenia 11/05/10
13 70% Ka$h Money 25/04/11
14 61% Tim Saunders 07/02/10
15= 56% Samuel 6/04/10
15= 56% K 21/10/10
17 54% Aleisha 31/01/11
18 52% Tom 08/09/11
19 48% Zeejay 05/12/09
20 47% David 03/01/10
21= 46% Jessica 09/01/10
21= 46% Corey 01/07/10
21= 46% Matthew 13/09/11
24= 45% Stylz 11/01/11
24= 45% Warren 22/01/11
24= 44% Zachie 28/11/10

* Shows a players highest % return, including capital gains and rental income..

1 $92,611 Robbie Guarrera   05/06/10
2 $69,070 Tina Yip 04/07/10
3 $38,574 Renee 07/05/11
4 $32,589 Warren 10/05/11
5 $27,117 Aleisha 15/05/11
6 $26,400 Rosie Prue 24/06/10
7 $25,260 Nigel 29/03/11
8 $24,814 Matthew 05/06/11
9 $18,710 Gaye 01/01/09
10 $17,890 Corey 01/07/10
11 $17,260 Peter White 02/04/11
12 $15,925 Julian 01/07/10
13 $15,020 Stylz 29/12/09
14 $14,856 Steph 01/01/10
15 $13,765 George 15/01/10
16 $13,593 Laura Harrington 06/02/10
17 $13,291 Kevin 01/07/10
18 $12,070 Willie 31/01/11
19 $11,676 Justin 01/07/10
20 $10,661 Barry 27/12/09
21 $10007 Paul Allen 19/03/10
22 $9,771 Kerry 23/12/09
23 $9,525 Player X 08/12/09
24 $9,147 Ben 01/07/10
25 $9,027 Samuel 15/01/10

* The top derivative trader shows the average profit per derivative trade, not total profit.  
* Shows a players highest average profit.


9 Ways to increase your score:

Game statistics

1. Read the rule book! It includes a whole lot of strategy and trading tips.

2. Use all of your Ask Frank opportunities. As a general rule those who do score well. Gain maximum advantage by taking that advice at critical moments in the game, like when market prices appear very low or high. If you are playing the game for the first time, use one of your Ask Frank options at the start of your first turn.

3. Use the Wild Cards, and use them wisely. For example, if you think shares are going to rise at the next change, buy them at the start of turn, them immediately use the Share Wild Card, to hopefully increase the value so you make a profit and other players miss out on the opportunity. If you hold derivatives, use the Wild Card (shares or money market) before you have to close out the contract. One tactic may be to Ask Frank, make a transaction, then use a Wild Card all in the same turn.

4. Opt into Kiwisaver. The dollar for dollar employer subsidy and $1,000 government kick-start make this a worthwhile investment. 

5. Players with high salaries can make a lot of money buying staff shares (at a 50% discount to the market price). The entitlement to staff shares increases from 5000 shares to 15000 when a players salary is +$55,000. It's a good strategy to make it a goal to reach that $55,000 level early in the game so you can maximise the value of your paydays and staff share buying opportunities throughout the game. 

6. On average, the best returns are being made from investing in shares but it is the most volatile so you need to pick your buying opportunities.

7. Take turns quickly. The faster you play, the more market prices change, and the greater the money making opportunities. Clock ticking sounds if players take more than 1 minute to complete their turn. This is a signal to get a hurry-along. Decide your next investment before your turn comes round. Good players takes less than 15 seconds to take their turn.

8. Try a one player game to become more familiar with the game and to test your skills against the markets. (One player games do not register on the Honours Board or Hall of Fame.)

9. Most players who lose money do so because they borrow heavily to buy property that subsequently falls in value. If you buy property with debt be very careful not to buy it at the top of a price cycle. 

Happy investing - remember the more you play, the better your scores will become. We are seeing a significant increase in player IIQ the more they play, and a rapid increase after only a few games as players become more familiar with the way the investment game works. 

The way you win in the investment game is exactly the same way you win in the real-life investment markets. This game is a simulation - it simulates reality. If you learn how to accumulate wealth in the investment game you will be able to do so in real life.

A simple investment strategy

This is what I suggest as an investment strategy.

#1. Get a good paying job. Do that by gaining an education (Massey University education credits in the game). That helps you gain a good paying job and promotions up the pay scale and the opportunity to buy more staff shares.

#2. Save as much as you can. Park those savings in the bank earning interest.

#3. INVESTMENT allows you to use the very same strategies the super-rich use to make money and accumulate wealth. So which strategy is best? The answer to that is simple - it all depends on the market conditions at the time, an investors (players) attitude to risk, and their investment knowledge. A strategy that works in one game, may not work in another and there will be times when pursuing a higher paying job and sitting on cash and waiting for opportunities to appear is the best strategy.

The best investment strategy is one tailored to the market conditions at any one time. For example,

  • Buy and hold property when property prices and interest rates are low.

  • Trade property when property prices are rising and interest rates are high.

  • Buy and hold shares when share prices are low (as measured by the market PE multiple and dividend yield – which are displayed under the share price graph).

  • Stay out of the investment market when there are no obvious opportunities. Instead focus on making more work-related income.

  • Speculate on derivatives (with care!), when the money market and share market are at extreme turning points, or use as a hedge to reduce exposure to risk.

Frank Newman

The following game statistics have been collected from all End of Game Player Reports submitted to the Hall of Fame. 


Highest share price ever recorded: $15.35
Lowest share price ever recorded: 28 cents
Players average purchase price: 96 cents
Players average sale price: $1.75


Highest property price ever recorded: $549,145
Lowest property price ever recorded: $118,775
Players average purchase price: $213,570
Players average sale price: $227,935


Interest rates
Highest interest rate recorded: 28.83%
Lowest interest rate recorded: 2.94%


Investment participation
98% of players invested in shares
92% bought at least one property
60% of players traded at least one derivative contract
70% of derivative trades were profitable
64% joined Kiwisaver


Average number of education credits received: 29


Employment income
Average salary at end of game: $54,078


Other stats
Longest game: 310 minutes (5 hours, 10 minutes)

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